Sunday, October 14, 2012

We've been ruined!

These are the last days of our trip to Greece and we have done a complete circle of the country taking in as many ancient sites we could possibly find (gotta love GPS). We have had a few mis-steps, missed roads, and even a few back tracks (not many). We have used maps, GPS, google and plain dead reckoning to get where we are going. We have not had to cancel any hotel reservation due to an inability to find the place. Only one cancellation by choice not chance.

 What we loved the most was that both of us have (from a very early age) loved the mythology of Greece, are both very interested in archeology, and we love trying new food!

These characteristics have been a saving grace as we meandered our way up and down mountains, along valleys, and plateaus, and through tiny village streets. We always had in mind the next ancient location, the next palace, the next cultural encourage us and keep us on track. The roads have been challenging and the vistas have ranged from the breathtaking to the sublime! Sunrises and sunsets...

We have relaxed with good books and each other! We have eaten some interesting combinations of dishes that may have otherwise gone untried. We have made a few friends and have some idea of the places where we will return. We have found nooks and crannies of peace in a world of hectic noise and enjoyed just being.

It seems the ruins and food of Greece have ruined us and we will return for more of the same!

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